Other Resources
There’s a bunch of YouTube videos I’ve been involved with that can help summarise some of this information for you about rip currents. There’s also a few about waves and tides! You can watch them below.
You can also subscribe to my Dr Rip’s Science of the Surf YouTube channel where I post my own videos (and some from friends and colleagues) about all things rip current related!

UNSW Sydney has just put together this fantastic educational resource called ‘If in doubt, don’t go out’: the risks of swimming at unpatrolled beaches’. It’s worth a look! And you can watch the video here.
How to Survive Beach Rip Currents
This was arguably one of the first dedicated YouTube videos about rip currents and summarises much of the information found on this website. It was produced by Mary O’Malley and UNSW TV.
Rip Currents – Surf Life Saving and UNSW
This was an extended version of the previous video done with the assistance of Surf Life Saving Australia.
Dr Rip’s 5 Best Rip Tips
I’ve been giving my community Science of the Surf talks for Randwick Council in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs for years and they put together this nice little summary video.
Surviving the Rip – Rip Current Presentation by Dr Rob Brander to Kill Devil Hills Ocean Rescue
In 2014 I visited North Carolina in the United States as part of my university research sabbatical. I was invited by Dave Elder of the Kill Devil Hills Ocean Rescue lifeguards on the Outer Banks to give a talk to the Lifeguards about rip current science and safety research. Here it is.
Beach Safety with Randwick Lifeguards and Dr Rip
Speaking of Randwick Council, during one of the COVID lockdowns I gave my Science of the Surf talk online and they recorded it! My talk starts at about the 21:30 mark.
Rip Current Time Lapse
This one captures a sped up dye release done in a rip current at Sydney’s Tamarama Beach. It was put together by Patrick Rynne of Waterlust
There was a bit of controversy years ago about what you should do if you get caught in a rip. I appeared as part of a panel on ABC National Radio with Fran Kelly for a ‘Rip Current Debate’ – you can watch it here:
Where do Waves Come From?
UNSW TV and Mary O’Malley also had me do some educational videos about waves. Here’s Part 1.
How do Waves Break?
Here’s Part 2.
How do Tides Work?
We finished our little series with UNSW TV talking about tides.