The powerful, entertaining, educational and award-winning Science of the Surf (SOS) presentation given by Rob Brander has been seen by over 50,000 people and is available to a range of audiences in different formats.
‘Everyone needs to see Dr Rip’s presentation!’
- feedback from January 2023 presentation
What are they about?
The Science of the Surf is a fascinating multi-media presentation about how our beaches, waves and currents form and behave. From the journey of tiny sand grains to your favourite beach to the massive swell waves that impact our coast and how to spot a deadly rip current – this talk is for anyone who loves and is interested in the beach. It also has a strong beach safety them throughout to help you enjoy a visit to any beach safely.
Topics vary depending on the audience, but typically include:
How beaches form
Wave formation and types of waves
Dangerous and safe breaking waves
Rip currents – what are they, how to spot them and what to do if you’re caught in one
What to do if you see someone in trouble
How to avoid jellyfish stings
Big storms, coastal erosion, sea-level rise and management issues
Tides and tsunami
Types of beaches
And much, much more
All presentations include dramatic footage of releases of harmless purple dye into rip currents and if the talk is given in a beach location, there may be a live dye demonstration into a rip current.
Who are they for?
Local councils/Community Groups
SOS talks are very popular with local government councils as part of their summer and school holiday programs and typically run for about an hour including questions. If a rip current dye release is involved, it takes about 1.5 hours.
Primary Schools
Separate SOS talks are available for K-2 (approximately 30 minutes) and Years 3-6 (45-50 minutes or class period).
High Schools
A range of talks can be given to Years 7-12. This may be the standard SOS talk with a beach safety theme or one that focusses on Coastal Processes, Hazards and Management or is tailored to other areas of the curriculum. Talks generally run for a class period, but can be extended.
Surf Life Saving Clubs and Nippers
SOS talks given to Nippers are wildly popular for both the kids and parents alike, particularly as they almost always involve a release of purple dye into a rip current!
Corporate Groups
Looking for an entertaining talk for your staff and clients? Many businesses and corporate groups have had SOS talks and they always prove popular – everyone needs to know about beaches and beach safety!
How can I book?
If you are interested in having Professor Rob Brander (‘Dr Rip’) come and give a talk, please fill out this Booking Enquiry Form and he will respond to you quickly regarding availability, cost and logistics
+ Is there a cost?
Yes, please contact SOS for more information about cost which can vary depending on location, travel time, audience size and if there is a dye release. Everyone’s situation is different. The good news is the cost has barely changed in the last 15 years and no-one has ever complained about it!
+ Are there discounts for large group sizes?
In general, there are flat rates for local councils, corporate groups and nippers, but there are discounts for large groups of school students.
+ Is there a minimum audience size?
Yes and no. It depends on who is organising the talk, who it’s for, the venue and how much travel time is involved. Usually there is a minimum size for schools of 100 students. It is possible to have multiple sessions at schools, but the minimum size of 100 would still apply to each.
+ Where are the talks given?
Most of the talks are between Wollongong and the Central Coast of NSW, but it’s possible to do road trips to combine multiple talks and I’ve done this to the South Coast and North Coast of NSW many times before. I’ve also given talks in Canberra and southern Queensland.
+ Who gives the talk?
All talks are given by Professor Rob Brander (‘Dr Rip’).
+ How does it work, do I need to provide anything?
All talks are given using a Powerpoint Presentation via laptop and the host/venue should provide a digital projector/tv/smartboard platform and screen. If you don’t have a digital projector, that’s ok, one can be provided. It always helps for the room/venue to be capable of being semi-darkened to maximise the visual impact of the presentation. If there’s too much sunlight getting in the room, it an really wash out the images on the screen.
+ Can talks be done online?
Yep, COVID has made that possible and they seem to work pretty well using Zoom and other platforms. Online talks are cheaper too. It’s up to the host/venue to arrange the online links though!
+ How can I see a release of purple dye in a rip current?
Everyone seems to love watching the dye. I’m sure that’s the main reason people show up to some of my talks! If the talk is given at a beach venue, usually a surf club, then I always try and do a dye release. It all depends on whether there’s any rips present though and I would say that 80% of the time there are! But don’t worry, there are plenty of images and video footage of some pretty spectacular dye releases in all my talks.
+ Is it worth it?
Yes! I’ve given hundreds of talks and I am always amazed at the incredible positive reaction I get. The dominant feedback from adults is how much they learned from the talk and how important it is for them and their families. The main feedback I get from teachers is that they can’t believe their students were that quiet and engaged for so long! Whether you live next to a beach or only visit a beach once a year on holiday, you need to know how beaches work. You can never get enough beach safety information – especially when it’s engaging. It’s absolutely worth it.
+ What do people think about it?
Some feedback from attendees at SOS presentations given for Randwick City Council over the last few years:
‘Dr Rip’s presentation was fantastic and should be advertised and made available more widely, especially to new residents including migrants.’
‘Dr Rip was brilliant. I learned so much.'
‘Just want to say I’ve been swimming at the beach since I was a toddler. I’m now 57 and found that talk by Dr Rip just brilliant, learned the most I have from any presentation on rips. Thanks'.
‘Excellent presentation. It would be good to offer to local high schools and upper Primary for Primary schools.’
‘Everyone needs to see Dr Rip’s presentation!’
Tuesday Jan 16 from 10 - 11:30 am at the Maroubra Surf LIfe Saving Club (organised by Randwick City Council) with dye release
Thursday Jan 18 from 5 - 6 pm at the Coogee Beach Surf Life Saving Club (organised by Randwick City Council)
Saturday Jan 20 from 11 - 12:30 at the Holiday Haven Bendalong Beach Tourist Park (organised by Five Villages Beach Safety Group) with dye release
Wed Jan 24 from 2-3:30 @ Elouera Surf LIfe Saving Club, Cronulla (organised by Sutherland Shire Council) with dye release