January 2017 (ROTM#97) How to Spot a Rip Current Video

Unfortunately there has been an unprecedented number of rip current related fatalities in Australia during the Christmas holiday period. The summer hasn't been particularly unusual in terms of weather and wave conditions, but unfortunately sometimes these things tend to happen in clusters for no apparent reason. While there is nothing good about these drownings, it did generate a lot of media attention to rip currents which helps promote greater awareness amongst the beachgoing public. 

 In particular, this video by Surf Life Saving Australia about 'How to Spot a Rip' received considerable attention.  Surf Life Saving Australia actually launched a national education campaign about rip currents back in October with learning how to spot a rip being one of the key themes. Unfortunately it didn't get picked up by the media at the time and not many people were aware of it. So it's good to see such an excellent video now getting the attention it deserves. If you don't know how to spot a rip current, you need to spend a few minutes watching this. 

Click to watch the video!


February 2017 (ROTM#98) Watipinga Beach, South Australia